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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

children's day

malayala manorama , a prominent newspaper in kerala ,
has come out with a wish list of 20 items prepared by students .
many of them like grading of teachers by students, more vacation etc
are good. i want to add 5 more and make it a 25 point charter.

  1. two sets of text books.
     i will keep one set in the school. please provide shelves or a
     common  room in the school.
      i will keep the other set at home and update it daily which will
      serve the purpose of daily revision too.
      yes, homeworks need to  be verified. please program it as one
      subject every day.
       i will thus  carry just a big note book and the   homework for
       that day to school daily.
      the flip side is that i may lose the daily training in lifting and carrying
      weight which i hope i can make up in due course.

   2. morning and evening sessions
      i dont see why i have to remian in the school for the whole day.
     i need  time for other activities too.  i am an individual first and then
     a student.
     let there be morning session , say, from 7 to 12 and  evening session from1 to 6 .
     it is already there in many states.
     i can have noon meals at home. no need to carry food to school.
     if the school is providing mid term meals welcome.  both morning and evening
     students will have it from 12 to 1 pm.
     the flipside is that we will be alone at home for quite some time
     if both the parents are working. the solution is to trust us more.
     believe me our generation is  more sensible and selfish than yours.
     we can take much better care of ourselves.

  3. we want the internet
    learning the printed word is old fashioned.  the black board and voice lectures
    are inadequate tools to  convey concepts. we want to  see the videos
    and the animations.  to start with , show us the internet based presentaions
    at least once a week . let us reinforce what we have learned in the remaining days.

    the flip side probably is the credibility of the teacher. the latest and the rightest
    ( most right )  information may not be with our teachers. we do not mind.
     his help is still invaluable.

4. we want to learn more.

    yes, we want to be trained in the other arts of living too. for example
    public speaking. acting and singing too. why not yoga and accident care ?
    quizzes and puzzles ? rubik's cube and sudoku. ?

    5. we want less of hypocrisy too
        we want to be a little more bold and frank. for example , there is no need for
        separate seats for girls in the buses.  we girls can manage our boys . only thing is
        that we need  help from the public  which basically means the older genration .
        leave us alone. and blame it on the  generation gap.


Monday, September 24, 2012

whirlpool again

i had posted  earlier about the failure of the control panel
in my whirlpool automatic washing machine . i did not get
a response to the email i sent to the company's head office.
i had to replace the control panel at a cost of around rs 3500/-

control panel failed in another whirlpool automatic washing machine
owned by my uncle. same style . just after the warranty period
the control panel failed. even the indicating lamps dont light up.
probably a small fault in the mains input line. but no way to get
it repaired. the service agent just replaced the panel and charged
rs 3500/- .  this occured in the second week of september 2012.

as this control failure fails in a discernible pattern there is definitley
something wrong with the design. i plan to track such failures of the
whirlpool automatic washing machine and report in this blog.

i dont expect the company to help if their non response to my earlier
complaint is any indication. but whirlpool is still an international leader.
good sense can prevail any time. readers can post their specific
experience if any of the failure of  whirlpool automatic washing machine
in this blog or email to me at

Monday, August 20, 2012

ongc advt sequel

they did enable application in their website.
but 2 days after the paper advt. god knows why

Sunday, August 5, 2012

painting home sequel

i had earlier posted about  painting home woes.
here is good news. i finally got my home painted.
in the month of karkidakam when rain is famed to
fall in elephant trunk  dimensions.
but this time no rain  and my house glows in fresh
paint. samll mercy  of the rain gods who are out to
punish us with a severe dry spell.
but i am making this post to tell u of a dependable
painter who did a reasonably good job for me.
contact him on 9895005763. mr shamsu in ernakulam

alert kerala police by sms

great move from the police in kerala india.
any one can send an sms about a crime ,
 unseemly gathering , waste dumping and
what not to the police . they will know the
location instantly and send a team to the
great as an idea but not sure about the
degree of greatness in implementaion.

another great idea is to install camera for
public viewing in strategic locations like
traffic junctions, parks or any sensitive
places which need to be watched. and feed
the video on to an iternet site which the public
can watch . enable viewer feed back and put in 
place a mechanism to monitor it.

any one who is familiar with the internet knows
these video feeds will be viewed 24/7. someone
will be there on the site , from abraod if not from
the country, at any given time. and if the facility
is there they will report anything worth reporting.

 24 hour surveillance  with almost no cost.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

ongc advt for recruitment

ongc advt for recruitment appears in news papers
 today the 1st of august 2012. almost half page
with nice photo.
and it says visit the website for eligibility and other
in the website nothing of the sort. no mention at all
of the matter referred to in the paper advt.
i thought of sending a mail to to ongc regarding this.
but no way to contact and give feed back. the contact
icon in the site takes you to the address of ongc offices
and to an email id which is exclusively for post recruitment
surprising from a company of such international standing.
or may be i didnt search it properly. in that case please help.
regards   mathai     skype id  lisma1952

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

painting home

painting home is pain if you live in ernakulam kerala india. no painters. no standard rates. and a lot of ignorance about the different grades of paints and their prices. above all the rains. in short, if you plan to get your home painted, plan big and plan well in advance . and share the info on this site . it will help us a lot

Monday, April 30, 2012


global test marketing has paid me again.  about rs 2500 ( 50 dollars converted).
the cheq they sent was rejected by citibank for mismatched signature . i sent it back.
they sent me another one . with almost the same signature. this time i got payment.
great people . more sensible than citibank. i have given the login elsewhere in this
blog. please try . a genuine site in  the net .

Thursday, March 8, 2012

service is the issue

i had bought a whirlpool automatic washing machine around two
 years back. paying a premium . mainly for its international reputation .

this machine just stopped working a few days back . that is  a few months
after its warranty period of two years expired. its control panel failed.
i got it repaired after paying the replacement cost.

i took up with the company . i raised  doubts about quality of the product.
the company  took the stand that the warranty expired and hence
replacement cost has to be paid by me.

the company is technically and probably legally right. but if the motor
fails next month and the if  the tub develops leak in two months , the company
can probably give the same advice. ultimately if  i end up paying the cost
of a new machine to make my whirlpool automatic washing machine
up and washing  just after two years of buying the machine, it should be
 my problem and not that of the company.

what it all boils down is that brand  is only in advertisements and goodwill
ends once the product is sold.

i am posting this with a purpose. to solicit similar experiences. and if possible
identify genuine companies who care for their customers even after their legal
responsibility expires.

please  post your comments.